Ann James worked as a recreation therapist in several settings overseas and in the US, Ann completed her Ph.D. and began teaching at Clemson University in South Carolina in 1975. From her experiences working in isolated areas, Ann learned to appreciate and cherish opportunities to gather with colleagues at professional conferences where they could compare notes, update skills together, and commiserate about shared stressors.
Although TR conferences had been independently hosted by Florida State University (1980) and by the University of Georgia (1981), no coordinating body existed to oversee the perpetuation of an annual continuing education opportunity in southeastern US. In 1981 Ann invited practitioners and educators from the southeast to meet at the NRPA Congress in Minneapolis in order to form such a coordinating body. The group met the following summer at the TR Symposium in Clemson and formed the Board of Directors of the Southeast Therapeutic Recreation Symposium. Ann continued to work closely with the Symposium, serving as Board Chair for two years and presenting many educational sessions. She also served national TR interests as President of NTRS and a member of the Board of Directors of ATRA. Her research and writing contributed chapters to several TR texts and many articles to journals. Upon her retirement from the Board in 1993, Board members recognized her contributions to the leadership and literature of the profession, and primarily her love and enthusiasm for STRS, by establishing the Ann James Award, presented each year to the outstanding symposium presentation.
Method of Evaluation:
The Ann James Award is intended to recognize outstanding speakers from each year’s symposium. Named after one of the founding members of the STRS Board of Directors, the award is presented annually to the speaker(s) who represent(s) excellence in session content, design, delivery, and applicable impact to attendees needs. The session also must meet the following evaluative criteria: Session Criteria:
1. The session must include a minimum of ten attendees
2. The session may not be a repeat session for the symposium
3. The session will be based on the highest mean score from the respective year’s symposium participant evaluations
4. The session may not have a mean score of less than (3) on any item in the session evaluations
General Criteria:
The SRTS Awards Committee will determine the recipient of the Ann James Award based on the selection criteria. Keynote and paid speakers of the symposium are not eligible for the award
Selection Process:
1. The SRTS Awards Committee will notify the SRTS Chair and Board of the recipient(s).
2. A SRTS designee will make arrangements for the presentation of the award (i.e., secure correct speaker(s) demographics for award, speaker(s) notification and supplemental SRTS Board recognition).
3. The person(s) will be recognized during the following year’s symposium.